Powr Earth Summit | LES REPLAYS

Can science revolutionize society?

MARCH 14, 2024


Valérie Masson Delmotte

Director of Research at CEA

Lucille Schmid

Vice-President of the Ecological Factory

Frédéric WURTZ

CNRS Research Director OTE

Anne Bringault

Program Director, Climate Action Networks

“If the North doesn’t work with the South, tomorrow the problems of the South will be the problems of the North. The energy transition requires colossal investments. So it’s not a question of giving lessons, but of supporting Africa, which by 2050 will have the youngest working population in the world. But the projects do exist, and if the money gets into the hands of responsible people, many solutions will be put in place very quickly.

Valérie Masson Delmotte

Director of Research at CEA

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