Powr Earth Summit | LES REPLAYS
Finance, degrowth and sustainability: moving beyond debate to action
MARCH 14, 2024
How can we put finance at the service of sustainability? Does sustainability necessarily mean degrowth? Are finance and degrowth compatible?
Let’s get out of the debates and take action!

Fabrice Bonnifet
Chairman of C3D, Director of Sustainable Development, Bouygues Group

Mathilde Lemoine
Chief Economist Edmond de Rotschild groupe

Stanislas Pottier
Member of the executive board of the Institut de la Finance Durable, senior advisor to ADMUNDI’s general division.

Christopher GUÉRIN
Managing Director NEXANS
“Either we consider that improving what we’ve done will be enough to bring us back within planetary limits – and that’s a total sham – or we say to ourselves that we really need to change the rules of the game in depth to bring the economy back within the 9 planetary limits, which goes far beyond simple decarbonization.”
Fabrice Bonnifet
Chairman, C3D