Foundation news

June 2024

Publication of the white paper "Accelerating the energy transition, challenges + opportunities".

3 minutes to accelerate the energy transition: your opinion counts!

In line with its commitments, the POwR Earth Foundation would like to hear the views of renewable energy professionals on the priority issues to be addressed.

Would you like to take part? Among the issues and methods set out in the questionnaire, you have the opportunity to qualify them using the adjectives attached (imperative, urgent, achievable, non-priority), to translate your interest into participation, and to comment on them, if you have any remarks on the approach.

We’ll take your valuable feedback on board, and get back to you shortly with a report and action plan. Thanks to all!

The POwR Earth Foundation supports the Association de la Vallée de la Millière

May 2024

In the Yvelines region, on a 28-hectare site classified as a “Zone Naturelle d’Intérêt Écologique Faunistique et Floristique”, an experimental rewilding project is currently being carried out by the Association de la Vallée de la Millière. For scientists, the experiment will be an opportunity to study the impact of global warming on biodiversity in the Vallée de Chevreuse, while observing how wild species are reclaiming a place that has previously suffered ecological disruption. On the strength of this initial experience, the association intends to support similar projects elsewhere in France. The POwR Earth Foundation supports this essential step towards a better understanding of the consequences of climate deregulation on living organisms.

Rendezvous in Bordeaux on June 25

The entire POwR Earth Fondation team looks forward to seeing you at the Faïencerie in Bordeaux on June 25 for a day of debates dedicated to the acceleration of photovoltaics in the Nouvelle-Aquitaine region.


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