The energy transition cannot be achieved without massive training in the new energy professions, anticipating tomorrow’s needs today. That’s why the POwR Earth Foundation is committed to funding schools and training modules in the field of renewable energies, while keeping its finger on the pulse of today’s youth and students.

The planet needs you!

A partnership with EPF Montpellier

EPF is a general engineering school that, through its innovative teaching methods, prepares its students for the business world in order to meet the challenges of ecological and social transition that our societies are facing today. social transition that our societies must face today.

The “Accelerating the energy transition through innovation and training” chair has two components:

1/ Innovation

  • Energy mix for energy independence
  • Digital sobriety and energy efficiency.


Through initial and continuing training courses:

  • Defining course modules ;

  • Experimental study devices ;

  • Tutored study projects carried out by groups of students.

"EPF set up in Montpellier ten years ago to develop training and research activities focused on renewable energies and data management. To this end, it has set up a technology platform that acts as both a demonstrator and a testing ground for energy efficiency and/or energy conservation solutions. The PoWR Group has been an important partner in the development of this platform and in the integration of photovoltaic energy systems. This Chair consolidates this partnership and reflects EPF's close ties with the business world."

François Stephan
Director EPF Montpellier

Equipment for Greta-CGAs in Brittany with ATLANSUN

GRETA-CFA is a public-sector adult training and apprenticeship organization of the French Ministry of Education, with more than 260 educational establishments in Brittany. The network offers a wide range of training courses in the building sector and actively supports the development of Brittany’s photovoltaic industry.

POwR Earth Foudation is currently supplying photovoltaic equipment to 4 training sites, in partnership with ATLANSUN, the network of solar industry professionals in Western France.

Renewable synergy

Synergie Renouvelable is an endowment fund for the European renewable energy sector, which runs humanitarian energy access projects around the world.

With 675 million people around the world still without electricity, the POwR Earth Foundation is working alongside them to finance and support impact projects, particularly in the fields of education and training.

Landestini Foundation

Landestini is an endowment fund and non-profit association whose mission is to reconnect people with the land, nature and rurality, and to contribute to the preservation and diversity of living things.

POwR Earth Foundation shares with Henri Landès and Fanny Agostini the same desire to change the future. Together, they develop numerous educational projects around renewable energies.

AFPA La Roche-sur-Yon

AFPA is the world’s leading vocational training organization, offering training courses for photovoltaic installers. To support it in this essential mission for the future of the energy transition, PowR Earth Fondation has supplied a photovoltaic equipment kit to the La-Roche-sur-Yon center in 2023, in partnership with ATLANSUN. Depending on requirements, we can also intervene directly during training courses or support trainees in their search for a job in a company.

Sciences Po Paris

Powr Earth Foundation has enabled students from the École du Management et de l'Impact of Sciences Po Paris to organize the "off" of Powr Earth Summit 2024, and have access to the event's keynote speakers for privileged moments of exchange. An operation carried out with support from Nexans

Schneider Electric Foundation

The Schneider Electric Foundation and the Powr Earth Foundation have enabled some twenty young people from all over Europe, from the Ashoka and Young European Leaders associations, to take part in the "Young European Leaders" event. 3 days of Powr Earth Summit 2024, and get involved alongside speakers and media.


Would you like to support our actions or benefit from our training support program? Send us a message!


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